LiteMap is an online collaborative tool to visually structure and make sense of complex problems. With LiteMap face-to-face and online debates can be mapped visually by building knowledge maps, such as concept, argument and issue maps. These are network maps which are characterised by different semantic data models, and can be used to address different collective sense making needs (such as brainstorming, collaborative discussion and building common understating).
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The use of LiteMap can improve face-to-face meetings with facilitated Dialogue Mapping and it can enable blended online-offline participation in collective deliberation processes.
LiteMap was developed in the context of a recent FP7 Project CATALYST ( on Collective Applied Intelligence and Analytics for Social Innovation. Since its first launch in 2015 LiteMap has been used by over 1300 users, in 10 different countries, by 100 community groups, who built over 500 Maps to confirm an emerging public and education impact.
LiteMap has so far been used in different domains such as: social innovation, social entrepreneurship, European research, science teaching, and secondary school education. LiteMap has also been the subject of a policy report published by the European Commission on Responsible Research and innovation.
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